Monday, August 10

Sexy Girlie Girl

Tube(s) of choice,I am using Jamie Kidd,which you can purchase here,do not use unless you have a license to do so.

Scrapkit is Girlie Spots from Aylssa's ScrapsnSuch here and it can be purchased here.

Template of choice,I am using Caitlin template15 here. Thank you for sharing!
Font of choice,I am using Monotype Corsiva,came with my psp program.
-This tutorial was written assuming you have working knowledge of PSP-

Open your template,hit shift D,delete the orginal template. One the copy template,delete the copyright layer.

Highlight large rectangle/selections/select all/float/defloat/paste paper15 into selection/deselect.

Repeat on the medium rectangle using glitter3 paper.

Hightlight the small squares layer.flood fill white.

Hightlight the small squares frames/selection/float/defloat/paste paper7 into selection/deselect.

Hide your small squares and medium rectangle layers/click inside the small frames layer using yur magicwand/selections/modify/expand by 5/paste tube of choice as a new layer under frames layer/position/selections/invert/delete.

Paste 2nd tube/position/delete/deselect/dropshadow to both tube layer:
Veritcal 7
Horizonal 7
Opacity 50
Blur 6
Unhide layers.

Highlight frames layer/right click/merge/merge down to medium rectangle layer/dropshadow.
Vertical 5
Horizonal 5
Opacity 67
Blur 10

Paste third tube/position below merged layers/same dropshadow.

Paste bubbles1 below 3rd tube layer/image/resize layer by 20%/position.

Paste doodle3 below bubble layer/resize 25%/position/layers/duplicate/image/mirror.

Paste sexy wordart1/resize by 60%/position/paste sexywordart2/resize by 65%/position/merge those 2 layers/dropshadow:
Vertical 4
Horizonal 4
Opacity 50
Blur 5

Paste bow6/resize 60%/same dropshadow.
Paste flower7/resize 80%(we want them small)/position/layers/duplicate 3 times/position/same dropshadow to all flower layers.

Layers/new raster layer/send to bottom/flood fill white.

Layers/merge/merge visible/image/resize all layers 10%

Add copyrights/name/save.

For my name I used paper3 for fill/black for foreground.
Hope you enjoyed my tut,would love to see your results.


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