Sunday, April 11

Spring For Lexi

Tube of choice,I am using PinUpToons,which you can purchase here,do not use unless you have a license to do so.

Scrapkit is Spring For Lexi by Lisa at Aleahs Mommy Designs here and you can purchasee it here. Gorgeous kit Lisa,perfect for spring! Thank you!

Font of choice,I am using Wild Script here.
-This tutorial was written assuming you have working knowledge of PSP-

Dropshadow for tut:
Vertical 3
Horizonal 3
Opacity 40
Blur 5

Open element 32/hit shiftD to duplicate/image/canvas size/change to 600x550/layers/new raster layer/right click on new layer/arrange/move down/flood fill white.

Click inside frame with your magicwand/selections/modify/expand by 5.

Paste paper 47 below frame layer/selections/invert/delete/deselect.

Paste tube/position/dropshadow.

Right click on tube layer/merge/merge down to paper layer/dropshadow.

Paste element 31 below merged layers/using pick tool/position to the right of the frame/layers/duplicate 3 times/position.

Repeat with element 29 only duplicating 1 time.

Paste element 73/resize 50%/position to the left of your frame/layers/duplicate/image/mirror/image/flip.

Paste element 5/resize 50%/layers/duplicate/position/dropshadow.

Moving up top/paste element 42/resize 63%/position/dropshadow.

Paste element 9/resize 50%/position/layers/duplicate/image/mirror/using your eraser tool/erase 2nd blue tulip/right click on copy layer/merge/merge down/dropshadow.

Paste element 1/resize 50%/position with pick tool/dropshadow.

Activate element 12 layer/using your selection tool or freehand selection tool/section it out(draw around to where you see the dancing lines around the bee you are wanting to use)/edit/copy/active your working canvas/paste/ resize 63%/layers/duplicate/position/dropshadow.

Add copyrights.

Add name.

Layers/merge/merge visible.

Resize all layers 15%.

Hope you enjoyed my tut,would love to see your results and add it to my gallery :)

Email me here


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